Thursday, January 29, 2009

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1 comment:

  1. He has such a strong opinion about Che Guevara. He relates him to communists such as Stalin and Castro. He says that Hollywood is spreading a wrong, glamorous image of Guevara and is making a large profit off it. One key point he made was that Guevara played a vital role to Fidel Castro’s rise to fame. He goes on to talk about how kids have this wrong perception of him, rocking t-shirts of him when they don’t know whom he truly is.
    I am not certain what view I believe. On one hand, the man in this video seemed to know what he was talking about and had facts to back it up but on the other, when I was researching on my own most of the sites hailed him as a hero. Not knowing any previous information about him, I think that I would have to do some more research on my own to come to definite conclusion, though this video seems to make you want to believe it.
    His voice, facial expressions and motions are full of emotion. He puts on many faces and combines sarcasm and a forceful tone of voice. This makes him more relatable due to the emotion he feels on the topic. He also uses the emotional cord of the effect of Guevara on children today. This is able to access a wide variety of people, specifically parents.
