Tuesday, February 3, 2009

judging a book

I judge books before reading in many ways. First I defiantly take the length of the book…now don’t get me wrong I don’t mind reading long books but I definitely hesitate before fully picking them up. Then I look to the cover and back to see any information that it has provided there. Any large wording or colorful objects catch my attention. There is no way around judging a book but I try my hardest not to. One book that caught my attention early on was a book by Sophie Kinsella called Remember Me? It caught my eye due to its cheery and colorful cover of a flower. It also made me wonder what it could be about due to the question mark that followed the title. It was a very engaging cover.


  1. I agree I hate reading books that are 10 miles long and I am grateful that this book is not nearly as long as invisible man was. I couldn't even make it to the end of that book.

  2. I agree with looking at the length it is something I look at also. I think that colorful covers catch many peoples eye.

  3. i look at the length of the book too, and it depends if I have tie to read a long book, or not, it also depends on my mood, if I feel like sticking it out and reading the long book or not, and I too look at the cover to see if it can capture me. Did the cover prove itself to you? Because it seems like it would be a good book was it?

  4. Becky your not in my class but I'm commenting on yours. I never really consider the length that much, I look at the colors and pictures that were picked for the cover. I agree that book does sound like it would have a very engaging cover.
