Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just Keep Swimming...

For my documentry I would chose to do it on swimming because of my experience with the sport. I grew up living and breathing it providing me with a knowledge and experience that few others obtain. I think that the passion I have for the sport would show and be recognized in the documentry, making it exciting and intresting for everyone.
I think that I would be able to make it interesting due to the recent publicity it has gotten from the Olympics. I would include these familiar faces making it relatable to everyone.
More importantly to me I would show the importance of the sport. Being a lifeguard in the summer I am shocked by the number of people who are unable to swim, even if it is just to stay a float. Though it is a sport, it is actually something that, without the ability, can lead you to life or death threatening situations. By showing these things I would be able to spread more information about a sport that I participate in and am successful in.
By crossing over these two things I think that I would be able to create a entertaining documentry that was informative. To give an example of doing this here is a great story that I would probably include in it. Check it out.

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