Monday, May 11, 2009

Independent Reading

1. Describe some intriguing questions, issues, or dilemmas your book raises. Attempt to explain and/or answer as many as you can citing specific evidence or examples when appropriate.
I have come to a major turning point in the characters life due to the death of a friend. Alaska died after a party while drunk driving. Now the main charactor Miles is learning to cope with the death of Alaska. He goes through the period of blaming himself for it when it is not his fault. I think that he will be able to learn to cope with this though it will take time to heal. He begins to realize the things that she did for him, all the lessons she, in her unique way taught him. I think that this was the true purpose for the character in the novel which was to show the main character a side of him that he never knew existed. I look forward to reading on to figure out more of the things that he realizes about himself in the end of the novel.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


What to say, what to say...I don't know if I would be the best person to speak about high school based on the fact that I don't like doing sentimental things like this...I am just not good at it. But probably the basics that I would include are when we first arrived in high school and the transitions we have all made, both individually and collectively. I would talk about sporting events, dances, and of course classes which sometimes seemed never ending. I would speak about each year and the expectations of that year both in education and among peers. And I would definitely try to keep it short and sweet!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Beginning the book

I decided to change my book because, though it was written in the proper time, it took place in a different time period which I found out later when I began reading. I then began looking for a new one and found one called Looking For Alaska by John Green written in 2005 and taking place in a boarding school during the present. Because of this switch in books I have not really gotten that far into the story but have started. So far it has discussed the main character, Miles Halter, and a new chapter of his life. It starts out at his going away party for boarding school and introduces us to his quirky family members. The going away party doesn't seem to go as his mother plans with only a few "friends" of his coming. From this little bit that I read it is evident that Miles is ready to move on from the school he now attends and is ready for the change of boarding school. What lie ahead for him completely unknown.