Monday, May 11, 2009

Independent Reading

1. Describe some intriguing questions, issues, or dilemmas your book raises. Attempt to explain and/or answer as many as you can citing specific evidence or examples when appropriate.
I have come to a major turning point in the characters life due to the death of a friend. Alaska died after a party while drunk driving. Now the main charactor Miles is learning to cope with the death of Alaska. He goes through the period of blaming himself for it when it is not his fault. I think that he will be able to learn to cope with this though it will take time to heal. He begins to realize the things that she did for him, all the lessons she, in her unique way taught him. I think that this was the true purpose for the character in the novel which was to show the main character a side of him that he never knew existed. I look forward to reading on to figure out more of the things that he realizes about himself in the end of the novel.

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