Monday, May 4, 2009

Beginning the book

I decided to change my book because, though it was written in the proper time, it took place in a different time period which I found out later when I began reading. I then began looking for a new one and found one called Looking For Alaska by John Green written in 2005 and taking place in a boarding school during the present. Because of this switch in books I have not really gotten that far into the story but have started. So far it has discussed the main character, Miles Halter, and a new chapter of his life. It starts out at his going away party for boarding school and introduces us to his quirky family members. The going away party doesn't seem to go as his mother plans with only a few "friends" of his coming. From this little bit that I read it is evident that Miles is ready to move on from the school he now attends and is ready for the change of boarding school. What lie ahead for him completely unknown.


  1. this seems like a good book that we can all relate to, kind of like us going away to college, we are ready to go! i will have to borrow this one from you!

  2. this is really good timing to read this book.

  3. I love everyone else's comments. I am not sure if rachsports is serious or sarcastic. This sounds like a great book and one that I know you will enjoy. The only thing is I am not sure why the cover is smoke. When I think of moving on and starting at a boarding school black and smoke is not something that comes to mind. You will have to tell me what this story is all about.
