Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Atonement-Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong
The book Atonement, which I read last year as one of my independent reading novels, deals with this topic of forgiveness that is one of much debate. Throughout the novel the main character Briony tells a string of lies which ultimately lead to destruction of relationships. Eventually she never is granted atonement and is forced to make it herself through her novels.
Just like in that book, the main character Amir in The Kite Runner also seeks atonement for his sins. This sins all surround the relationship he had with his best friend Hassan. It starts out as his inability to help hassan when he is being raped and just escalates from there, finally resulting in an end to a friendship and life together. I think that he may be able to achieve if not obtain complete atonement due to the undeniable bond the two share.

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