Wednesday, April 15, 2009


In todays day and age I think that a multitude of factors effect the decisions we make. First of all I think that the way you were raised and the beliefs that you have are a major weight. Growing up in different ways gives us different perspectives on life. These perspectives supply us with ideas that shape who we are and what we want to become, this person made through decisions we make. For example when choosing the college that I wanted to attend I found guidance through what I wanted to be in life and how my choice would benefit me.
Another major factor I think is the society and the people around you. Not only does society help make decisions for you but it sometimes shows you the results. Countless people have done things in the public eye and you see that and either decide that maybe you should or should not do something because of the way society reacted. I also think that the people around you play a major role because these people provide an outside but close aspect for you to talk it over.
Decisions impact you throughout your life and are as simple as which way to drive or as difficult as what college you want to attend. However large or small they may be it is important to make the right choices for yourself so that you end up who you want to be.

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