Thursday, February 26, 2009


I believe that you don't need to worry about everything and that things happen for a reason. These events occur for a reason because it helps establish and make stronger the person you become. You also just need to laugh it out and realize that the little things really don't matter. Be who you are and learn to overcome the sometimes difficult events that life deals you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This article reminds me of some of the work Che did during his lifetime. When they talk about how the U.S. is training troops in Pakistan it reminds me of when he was training people in Bolivia. It is different in the way that the United States is taking a major role in the efforts as opposed to when, I believe, they were against it occurring in Bolivia. They were also just the same with the secrecy of the projects, although it is not secret anymore!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


One great example of Che's voice is when you read the letter he writes to his mother. This not only shows you how he is protective of his mother by sharing selective events with her but also the more caring side of him. He tells his mom not to worry about him and by trying to keep in contact, shows that he is happy about his life and family. Another example of this is when he is talking about the dog, Comeback. He shares deep feelings for the dog, relying on him as one of two companions for a part of the trip. Both these things provide a glimpse into the man Che was during his journey.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

demise of che

I think that the people that ended up killing che were the Bolivian government. They I believe where the ones who ended up taking him captive and because of all the commotion he caused there I think they ended up killing him. Since they had no ties to him I believe that it was something that they were able to do without getting a large backlash (though i'm not sure about that), as opposed to the countries he worked where people loved him.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"The person who wrote these notes passed away the moment his feet touched Argentine soil again."(16)
It was as if being there again made his transition complete. His old self disappeared and a new man was born. The emotions of the notes gone, lost on the streets that led him back to Argentina. But was this new person a better one and what would they go on to accomplish? Time would surely tell.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I think that Che's ideology was different from that of Castro. Che believed that it was important to help out mankind instead of just ending the change with Cuba. He believed that man should work together for a greater good in every country. This was a strong distinction between the two and that ideology led to the break between them.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just Keep Swimming...

For my documentry I would chose to do it on swimming because of my experience with the sport. I grew up living and breathing it providing me with a knowledge and experience that few others obtain. I think that the passion I have for the sport would show and be recognized in the documentry, making it exciting and intresting for everyone.
I think that I would be able to make it interesting due to the recent publicity it has gotten from the Olympics. I would include these familiar faces making it relatable to everyone.
More importantly to me I would show the importance of the sport. Being a lifeguard in the summer I am shocked by the number of people who are unable to swim, even if it is just to stay a float. Though it is a sport, it is actually something that, without the ability, can lead you to life or death threatening situations. By showing these things I would be able to spread more information about a sport that I participate in and am successful in.
By crossing over these two things I think that I would be able to create a entertaining documentry that was informative. To give an example of doing this here is a great story that I would probably include in it. Check it out.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

California here we come...

I don’t think I have ever been on a true road trip spanning a long period of time but I did go once to visit someone with my friends on our own. We went to visit my friends sister at college by ourselves. The drive was the quickest one I have ever been on even though it was three hours long. The constant talking, gossiping, and correct direction seeking made the trip seem to fly by. With our favorite music playing in the background the time just seemed to disappear.
If I could chose to go anywhere on a road trip I would want to go across country to California. I would want to do this because I feel like it is very important to learn about different places and people especially if you have the opportunity to do so within your own country. I feel like I would get a greater understanding about what America truly has to offer while having once in a lifetime experiences. I would love to do that with my friends and would of course have to start out the road trip with phantom planets' California.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Motorcycle Diaries: Book Preview

The Front Cover
• The Motorcycle Diaries
• Notes on a Latin American Journey, New York Times Best Seller
• A journey across Latin America
• Why is the person on this journey? How will it change them?

The Back Cover
• Che Guevara's lively and highly entertaining travel diary
• New York Times best seller
• 23 years old, journey across continent, includes photos

Inside the Book
• 2003
• No dedication
• Chapter titles, they relate to what occurs in chapter
• Seems to be formal with a large variety of vocabulary

This book is about a journey across South America by Che Guevara. I think that it will just tell the many stories of what occurs throughout his journey. I think I need to understand more about whom this person is before and after his journey to see if he has changed in anyway. I hope to find out about this person, why they are on the journey, and how they change after experiencing it.

judging a book

I judge books before reading in many ways. First I defiantly take the length of the book…now don’t get me wrong I don’t mind reading long books but I definitely hesitate before fully picking them up. Then I look to the cover and back to see any information that it has provided there. Any large wording or colorful objects catch my attention. There is no way around judging a book but I try my hardest not to. One book that caught my attention early on was a book by Sophie Kinsella called Remember Me? It caught my eye due to its cheery and colorful cover of a flower. It also made me wonder what it could be about due to the question mark that followed the title. It was a very engaging cover.