Thursday, March 12, 2009

#10 Live It

In this Chapter the author is talking about a box of books that she had shipped to herself from the United States to Italy. Over two months had passed since she sent the box and without receiving anything she makes an attempt at locating them with little success. She loaded books such as The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and other various books on Italy, thinking that she would read these to understand the city in which she was now living. She comes to the realization that maybe it was better off not receiving the books and that to really learn about something is to experience it. This chapter I could really relate to. I always have believed that to understand and appreciate something, you must live it. I find that for me specifically I am able to better understand something when I am immersed into it. For example, when I went abroad recently to England I took tours of historic places which I had heard and read about prior to going. After attending the places I had learned countless facts about I obtained a greater appreciation for them. Hearing personally stories from people who worked there and seeing things first hand I was able to relate to things that were hundreds of years older than me. What was ironic to me about the chapter was that she planned on reading the books about Italy, while in Italy. By just opening her front door and taking in the sights and sounds of the country she was able to obtain a greater understanding of Italy.

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