Tuesday, March 17, 2009

#12 Divorce

Author Liz Gilbert explains in detail the demise of her relationship with her husband. After countless nights of trying to pick herself of the cold bathroom floor she finally finds the strength she needed to end the unhappy relationship. This occurred in her early thirties when her friends were all settling down and having families. Gilbert realized that she did not want the big house in the suburbs that surrounded her or young children in her life. In an interview with Liz Gilbert she states that

"When modern American women make the deliberate choice not to have children they are still called upon to defend that choice, in a culture where motherhood is still regarded as the natural evolution of a woman’s life.Reality has taught us that no woman can build an honest life without sacrificing something along the way. Deciding what will be sacrificed is not easy. But the good news is this: increasingly, that decision is ours."

This is a great response that represents her view point on the matter and helps define the reasons for it. Coming to this realization after a major period of extreme self exploration is something that she is all too happy to discuss in the book. She feels that it is vital in understanding one reason that is a purpose for her journey.
Although she is none too shy to discuss the ending of her marriage she states that she will not discuss the exact events or reasons for it. For one reason I think that she does this because it is something that is extremely personal that can only be fully understood between two people. Also I believe she does not share it because maybe there was not just one specific event or conversation that occurred that sparked the end of their marriage. For whatever reason I believe that this loss of information is not important to the full understanding of the story making it not extremely relevant to the stories progress.

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