Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do Now

Che describes the process in which he and Alberto got things from people whether it be food or shelter. Do you have your own version of this technique for certain purposes? Does it always seem to work just like it does for Che and Alberto?

I chose to ask about this do now because I was surprised at how they had comprised their own little way of doing things, almost as if it were a script. I wanted to know if anyone else also had any similar ways of doing things and when they use it.


  1. i don't have a "script" per say, but i do have a way of asking my parents if i am allowed to do something, i usually tell them but in an asking way, that way they cant really say no, like if i want to sleep over someones house i will say mom i'm going to sleep over becky's house, ok, 9 times out of 10 she will agree. or i will sweet talk if i want something, being very nice and helpful, but in a subtle way, not so obvious.

  2. I convince my friend to give me cookies every time she has baked them. It is the same saying every time. It works wonderfully. :)
