Wednesday, March 25, 2009

#9 Her Style

Liz Gilbert has an engaging style which captivates the reader. Her sarcasm can be found throughout the book, even in the most emotional and serious situations. . She incorporates phrases of the Italian language while translating them providing you with a glimpse of the language that she was in love with. This style is very effective due to the fact that she is very personable and makes you feel like she is talking to you, welcoming you into a year of her life that changed her. Overall I think that it adds to the book and makes it a more charming story. While creating moments of intensity she is quickly one to lighten the mood with sarcastic remarks which leave you laughing out loud. This book really has a style that is unique to the author and is one that kept me interested throughout the book.

If you want to learn more and hear first hand from the author, check out this video below.

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