Thursday, March 26, 2009

#13 Choices

Some of the most interesting choices made by Liz Gilbert throughout her journey never seemed to faze me. I was ready to expect the unexpected from this free spirit who early on was known for her unique spirit. After deciding to go on the trip she arrived at many of these places with little information or knowledge of what she would do upon getting there. Most of the time she did have the basics, like where she would stay, but after this nothing was off limits. She came with a list of contacts that she would use when she wanted a familiar face or just someone to show her around. This carefree attitude was very risky yet it provided Liz with a great sense of adventure and unknown.
By leaving the possibilities endless she allowed for choices that were made spur of the moment creating unique opportunities such as traveling to foreign cities, meeting influenctial people, and even trying new foods. I think that any advice I would give would be to keep it up. I found that throughout the novel the most intriguing stories she told where ones of spontaneity keeping the book exciting to the ready and most likely to Liz herself.

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