Monday, May 11, 2009

Independent Reading

1. Describe some intriguing questions, issues, or dilemmas your book raises. Attempt to explain and/or answer as many as you can citing specific evidence or examples when appropriate.
I have come to a major turning point in the characters life due to the death of a friend. Alaska died after a party while drunk driving. Now the main charactor Miles is learning to cope with the death of Alaska. He goes through the period of blaming himself for it when it is not his fault. I think that he will be able to learn to cope with this though it will take time to heal. He begins to realize the things that she did for him, all the lessons she, in her unique way taught him. I think that this was the true purpose for the character in the novel which was to show the main character a side of him that he never knew existed. I look forward to reading on to figure out more of the things that he realizes about himself in the end of the novel.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


What to say, what to say...I don't know if I would be the best person to speak about high school based on the fact that I don't like doing sentimental things like this...I am just not good at it. But probably the basics that I would include are when we first arrived in high school and the transitions we have all made, both individually and collectively. I would talk about sporting events, dances, and of course classes which sometimes seemed never ending. I would speak about each year and the expectations of that year both in education and among peers. And I would definitely try to keep it short and sweet!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Beginning the book

I decided to change my book because, though it was written in the proper time, it took place in a different time period which I found out later when I began reading. I then began looking for a new one and found one called Looking For Alaska by John Green written in 2005 and taking place in a boarding school during the present. Because of this switch in books I have not really gotten that far into the story but have started. So far it has discussed the main character, Miles Halter, and a new chapter of his life. It starts out at his going away party for boarding school and introduces us to his quirky family members. The going away party doesn't seem to go as his mother plans with only a few "friends" of his coming. From this little bit that I read it is evident that Miles is ready to move on from the school he now attends and is ready for the change of boarding school. What lie ahead for him completely unknown.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Atonement-Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong
The book Atonement, which I read last year as one of my independent reading novels, deals with this topic of forgiveness that is one of much debate. Throughout the novel the main character Briony tells a string of lies which ultimately lead to destruction of relationships. Eventually she never is granted atonement and is forced to make it herself through her novels.
Just like in that book, the main character Amir in The Kite Runner also seeks atonement for his sins. This sins all surround the relationship he had with his best friend Hassan. It starts out as his inability to help hassan when he is being raped and just escalates from there, finally resulting in an end to a friendship and life together. I think that he may be able to achieve if not obtain complete atonement due to the undeniable bond the two share.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

mistakes we knew we were making

I can't really recall a major mistake that has happened because I feel like things always manage to work out how they were meant to but everyone throughout their life makes mistakes. Some of these are on purpose, by default, or made without thinking yet they all tend to have the similar result of hurting someone else or yourself. Through these different experiences we learn new things about our self's that hopefully provide us with new a new outlook and understanding.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Book Preview

The Front Cover
• Fade
• Robert Cormier
• I think that it deals with a person who is somehow distanced of "faded" away from everyone/thing else
• Is the main character the person who "fades"?
Does this deal with similar themes of Invisible Man?

The Back Cover
• is just a large quote that reads, "Imagine what might happen if Holden Caulfield stepped into J. G. Wells' The invisible Man, and you'll have an idea how good Fade is...I was riveted." -Stephen King
I think that it does not tell you anything to leave you wondering what the story is about as well as wanting to read more.

Inside the Book
• 1988
• To my wife, Connie, with love
• The book does not have any real chapter titles but it is broken down into what I think may be names of people who are telling the specific sections.
• The authors style is first person, which like I stated earlier, probably changes due to the names written before certain chapters.

I think that this story has to deal with a lot of similar themes in that of Invisible Man. I think this just from the title and from the quote from Stephan King on the back. The cover also gives you the same feelings of similar themes. I think that this should be an interesting book and hopefully I will enjoy it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This picture depicts the life of a solider as he embarks across the vast land that he has helped take over. Running across this rugged land he lacks the ability to realize the true beauty that surrounds him. The difficult times of the past and his unknown future hang on his shoulders yet he lives in the minute, forced to focus on the now. Death in his field tends to be just a fact of everyday occurrence yet he continues to fight on in the hope that all will end as it should.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

I believe that this quote is partially right and that in a lot of cases evil occurs when nothing is done to prevent/stop it. A lot of the time things happen before you realize what is even going on. I think that in these cases, once an degree of evil has been reached, it is difficult for these "good people" to take major strides in fighting it head on. I think that it is just difficult to find all the good people amidst the powerful evil, which makes it seem as Edmund Burke describes. Even though there is evil there is always someone willing to fight it but it takes a lot to overcome evil.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


In todays day and age I think that a multitude of factors effect the decisions we make. First of all I think that the way you were raised and the beliefs that you have are a major weight. Growing up in different ways gives us different perspectives on life. These perspectives supply us with ideas that shape who we are and what we want to become, this person made through decisions we make. For example when choosing the college that I wanted to attend I found guidance through what I wanted to be in life and how my choice would benefit me.
Another major factor I think is the society and the people around you. Not only does society help make decisions for you but it sometimes shows you the results. Countless people have done things in the public eye and you see that and either decide that maybe you should or should not do something because of the way society reacted. I also think that the people around you play a major role because these people provide an outside but close aspect for you to talk it over.
Decisions impact you throughout your life and are as simple as which way to drive or as difficult as what college you want to attend. However large or small they may be it is important to make the right choices for yourself so that you end up who you want to be.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


First begin with 8+ years of war and beat in a population of 29 million slowly. Next add a Handful of Languages and let it sit for half an hour. Once an half hour has passed add 99/100 Muslim for structure. In a separate bowl mix chopped up 5 constitutions with 1/4 cup of water. Combine two bowls for a well mixed soup. Fry up three branches of government and add. Finally grate 1 game of Buzkashi on top for a decorative look.

Prep Time: 45 Minutes
Food: Soup

Saturday, March 28, 2009

#16 On the Road

Eat, Pray, Love surprisingly is able to relate to the things we have been talking about in class, specifically the novel The Motorcycle Diaries. Both books tell the stories of people on the road learning about the places that surround them. In both novels the main characters not only learn about other places but also about themselves. I believe that both journeys tell the stories of how these two people changed their lives forever.
Though they are at different times and in different places it is important to note that to find out who you are and what you are capable of you need to take time to explore. This exploration does not have to be across the globe yet can be found through reflection of oneself.
It is also able to connect to class with the recent theme that we wrote about Che and who he wanted to become/impact. I think that in the novel Eat, Pray, Love, the main character Liz is doing just that. After a period during her life of dissatisfaction Gilbert takes this journey to figure out what she wants out of life and who she wants to become because she will no longer be a suburban wife. I feel that a theme like this could easily be written with the ideas of Liz Gilbert’s new prospects in life.
These things combined show the impact that a journey abroad or in neighboring countries can have on an individual and how they are able to relate to one another.

If you want to hear some answers to frequently asked questions about Liz Gilbets travels specifically check out this website. It offers a great insight into the places she visited and how she changed after going to them:

#18 Eat, Pray, Love

As the author states herself Eat, Pray, Love follows one woman’s search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia. Gilbert chose this simple yet effective title because of the activities she focused on in each country. In Italy she indulged herself in the prime cuisine of Italy gaining 23 pounds during her four months in the country. Next she traveled to India where she stayed in an Ashram and spent hours of her days praying though she found this a challenging task for herself. Finally she made her way to Indonesia where she restored her faith in love, which previously had been destroyed after a brutal divorce. She opened her heart again to a man not worried to be broken again. All these unique countries mold together to form the important change that occurred in author Liz Gilberts life. I do not think that I would title this book anything else due to the impact of each country and the things that she focused on while in each. These were all important factors into the woman Liz Gilbert became after her journey’s.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

#13 Choices

Some of the most interesting choices made by Liz Gilbert throughout her journey never seemed to faze me. I was ready to expect the unexpected from this free spirit who early on was known for her unique spirit. After deciding to go on the trip she arrived at many of these places with little information or knowledge of what she would do upon getting there. Most of the time she did have the basics, like where she would stay, but after this nothing was off limits. She came with a list of contacts that she would use when she wanted a familiar face or just someone to show her around. This carefree attitude was very risky yet it provided Liz with a great sense of adventure and unknown.
By leaving the possibilities endless she allowed for choices that were made spur of the moment creating unique opportunities such as traveling to foreign cities, meeting influenctial people, and even trying new foods. I think that any advice I would give would be to keep it up. I found that throughout the novel the most intriguing stories she told where ones of spontaneity keeping the book exciting to the ready and most likely to Liz herself.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

#9 Her Style

Liz Gilbert has an engaging style which captivates the reader. Her sarcasm can be found throughout the book, even in the most emotional and serious situations. . She incorporates phrases of the Italian language while translating them providing you with a glimpse of the language that she was in love with. This style is very effective due to the fact that she is very personable and makes you feel like she is talking to you, welcoming you into a year of her life that changed her. Overall I think that it adds to the book and makes it a more charming story. While creating moments of intensity she is quickly one to lighten the mood with sarcastic remarks which leave you laughing out loud. This book really has a style that is unique to the author and is one that kept me interested throughout the book.

If you want to learn more and hear first hand from the author, check out this video below.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

#4 It is Hard to Pray

As the title states "It is hard to pray." For some of us it comes easier to others but this is NOT the case for Liz Gilbert. She decided to spend four of her year long journey in an Ashram in India after she had heard a Guru speak in New York City. She was fascinated by the work and teachings and quickly found herself in the foreign country where she struggled to "fit in." Everyone around her seemed to effortlessly praying and meditating during the hour’s long sessions, clearing their minds.
What was so surprising to me was how open she was about her struggle with the activity. Most people would not want to be so forward about a concept which in theory sounds so simple. After weeks and weeks of questioning her capabilities and practicing, she finally was able to become successful at something that had become her life.
I feel like it is extremely difficult for one to admit their faults but Liz Gilbert seems to do so both eagerly and sarcastically. This surprising attitude provides the reader with an insight and a way to relate that is hard to come by.

If you want to learn more about praying/meditation which is what Gilbert does at the Ashram I found this website helpful in understanding the history and purpose of this ancient art.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

#17 Location, Location, Location

The book takes place in three different settings consisting of Italy, India and Indonesia. These are key elements to the progression of the author, Liz Gilbert's, life. First, in Italy, she retains residence in the city where she is accessible to a majority of different aspects of the Italian culture. She does this by taking classes of the language, eating all around the city, and taking in the sights of local and far destinations all across the country. She gained pounds of joy and happiness which she had lost over the past three years due to divorce. Next she moves to India to stay in an Ashram where she seeks the guidance of prayer to restore her faith. The time she spends here provides a period of reflection that she needed to help heal completely. Finally she arrives in Indonesia where she learns to love others again. This year dedicated to self exploration which takes place in three distinct locations, proves that you just need to take the time to figure out who you are and what you want in order to have an appreciation for the world around you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

#14 Quote

"Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend."
Liz Gilbert constantly remembers the time she found herself in a deep place of depression. This constant reminder that you always have a friend with you provides the author with someone she is able to rely on whenever she needs a friend. After her divorce and the end of another relationship she battles depression which is a tough fight. After getting the help she needed she embarks on a trip of self exploration. During times throughout the trip, but specifically in the beginning she was reminded of dark days. This was due to the fact that she was in a foreign country that spoke a different language and was there by herself. This is important to the story because throughout the novel she is able to relate back to this specific moment when she came to this realization. At these times he thought back to the time where she was able to pick herself up and call on herself to be a friend. I think that this is something that everyone is able to relate to. Even if it was just once in a person’s life he or she needed to rely on themselves. It is very important, as Gilbert points out, that we recognize ourselves as a friend that is there through the good times and the bad.

#12 Divorce

Author Liz Gilbert explains in detail the demise of her relationship with her husband. After countless nights of trying to pick herself of the cold bathroom floor she finally finds the strength she needed to end the unhappy relationship. This occurred in her early thirties when her friends were all settling down and having families. Gilbert realized that she did not want the big house in the suburbs that surrounded her or young children in her life. In an interview with Liz Gilbert she states that

"When modern American women make the deliberate choice not to have children they are still called upon to defend that choice, in a culture where motherhood is still regarded as the natural evolution of a woman’s life.Reality has taught us that no woman can build an honest life without sacrificing something along the way. Deciding what will be sacrificed is not easy. But the good news is this: increasingly, that decision is ours."

This is a great response that represents her view point on the matter and helps define the reasons for it. Coming to this realization after a major period of extreme self exploration is something that she is all too happy to discuss in the book. She feels that it is vital in understanding one reason that is a purpose for her journey.
Although she is none too shy to discuss the ending of her marriage she states that she will not discuss the exact events or reasons for it. For one reason I think that she does this because it is something that is extremely personal that can only be fully understood between two people. Also I believe she does not share it because maybe there was not just one specific event or conversation that occurred that sparked the end of their marriage. For whatever reason I believe that this loss of information is not important to the full understanding of the story making it not extremely relevant to the stories progress.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

#10 Live It

In this Chapter the author is talking about a box of books that she had shipped to herself from the United States to Italy. Over two months had passed since she sent the box and without receiving anything she makes an attempt at locating them with little success. She loaded books such as The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and other various books on Italy, thinking that she would read these to understand the city in which she was now living. She comes to the realization that maybe it was better off not receiving the books and that to really learn about something is to experience it. This chapter I could really relate to. I always have believed that to understand and appreciate something, you must live it. I find that for me specifically I am able to better understand something when I am immersed into it. For example, when I went abroad recently to England I took tours of historic places which I had heard and read about prior to going. After attending the places I had learned countless facts about I obtained a greater appreciation for them. Hearing personally stories from people who worked there and seeing things first hand I was able to relate to things that were hundreds of years older than me. What was ironic to me about the chapter was that she planned on reading the books about Italy, while in Italy. By just opening her front door and taking in the sights and sounds of the country she was able to obtain a greater understanding of Italy.


Che did not know what he wanted to become but in fact became the person that he did through different experiences and hardships that occurred in his life.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do Now

Che describes the process in which he and Alberto got things from people whether it be food or shelter. Do you have your own version of this technique for certain purposes? Does it always seem to work just like it does for Che and Alberto?

I chose to ask about this do now because I was surprised at how they had comprised their own little way of doing things, almost as if it were a script. I wanted to know if anyone else also had any similar ways of doing things and when they use it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

#8. The meaning of “I”

Italy, India, and Indonesia. What do these distinct and unique countries have in common, more than you might think. They may not be the first three countries that you clump together, but isn't that the point. Author Elizabeth Gilbert embarks on a journey of self to these three destinations all fittingly starting with the all important "I".
First it is important to know that before leaving, Gilbert had just ended a time and money consuming divorce. She had spent years unhappy always knowing that where she was in life was not where she wanted to be. She finally ended it and in doing so found out that she needed to do some self discovery, not only for her future relationships but the relationship with herself. And so she embarked on a worldwide tour with none other than that person.
It may be odd to someone else why she chose these places yet to her the decision was clear. She would enjoy the art of pleasures of Italy, the art of devotion in India, and the balancing of both in Indonesia. These three “I”s would team up to form a whole, refreshed, and better Gilbert. Never doubt the power of “I”.

Monday, March 9, 2009

essential question: che

I think that Che knew early on that he wanted to have a true impact on the world around him but more specifically the communities he was involved with. He saw the things around him that he liked and disliked and wanted to change the things he saw as wrong for the better. You can see in his writings when he speaks of not being able to help the sick woman that he wishes he would have been able to do more for her even though he was unable. He wanted to become someone that the people could rely on to make a change having their best interests at heart, but did he accomplish this, one must decide for themselves. He went from country to country early on seeing the world around him molding the future beliefs that we saw so prominent to him in the documentry.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Assignment

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert is a story that surprisingly relates to that of Che Guevara's in the Motorcycle Diaries. Though they may deal with different events and present opposite ideas they both tell the stories of people embarking on a journey to new lands. Throughout the next couple of weeks you will see, amidst my other posts, responses to different questions about my independent reading book, Eat, Pray, Love. Hopefully I will be able to connect my findings to The Motorcycle Diaries resulting in a appreciation and understanding for stories written "on the road." So watch out for these posts and try to follow along as I embark on my own little journey.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


By right or might, land undefined.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I believe that you don't need to worry about everything and that things happen for a reason. These events occur for a reason because it helps establish and make stronger the person you become. You also just need to laugh it out and realize that the little things really don't matter. Be who you are and learn to overcome the sometimes difficult events that life deals you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This article reminds me of some of the work Che did during his lifetime. When they talk about how the U.S. is training troops in Pakistan it reminds me of when he was training people in Bolivia. It is different in the way that the United States is taking a major role in the efforts as opposed to when, I believe, they were against it occurring in Bolivia. They were also just the same with the secrecy of the projects, although it is not secret anymore!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


One great example of Che's voice is when you read the letter he writes to his mother. This not only shows you how he is protective of his mother by sharing selective events with her but also the more caring side of him. He tells his mom not to worry about him and by trying to keep in contact, shows that he is happy about his life and family. Another example of this is when he is talking about the dog, Comeback. He shares deep feelings for the dog, relying on him as one of two companions for a part of the trip. Both these things provide a glimpse into the man Che was during his journey.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

demise of che

I think that the people that ended up killing che were the Bolivian government. They I believe where the ones who ended up taking him captive and because of all the commotion he caused there I think they ended up killing him. Since they had no ties to him I believe that it was something that they were able to do without getting a large backlash (though i'm not sure about that), as opposed to the countries he worked where people loved him.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


"The person who wrote these notes passed away the moment his feet touched Argentine soil again."(16)
It was as if being there again made his transition complete. His old self disappeared and a new man was born. The emotions of the notes gone, lost on the streets that led him back to Argentina. But was this new person a better one and what would they go on to accomplish? Time would surely tell.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I think that Che's ideology was different from that of Castro. Che believed that it was important to help out mankind instead of just ending the change with Cuba. He believed that man should work together for a greater good in every country. This was a strong distinction between the two and that ideology led to the break between them.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just Keep Swimming...

For my documentry I would chose to do it on swimming because of my experience with the sport. I grew up living and breathing it providing me with a knowledge and experience that few others obtain. I think that the passion I have for the sport would show and be recognized in the documentry, making it exciting and intresting for everyone.
I think that I would be able to make it interesting due to the recent publicity it has gotten from the Olympics. I would include these familiar faces making it relatable to everyone.
More importantly to me I would show the importance of the sport. Being a lifeguard in the summer I am shocked by the number of people who are unable to swim, even if it is just to stay a float. Though it is a sport, it is actually something that, without the ability, can lead you to life or death threatening situations. By showing these things I would be able to spread more information about a sport that I participate in and am successful in.
By crossing over these two things I think that I would be able to create a entertaining documentry that was informative. To give an example of doing this here is a great story that I would probably include in it. Check it out.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

California here we come...

I don’t think I have ever been on a true road trip spanning a long period of time but I did go once to visit someone with my friends on our own. We went to visit my friends sister at college by ourselves. The drive was the quickest one I have ever been on even though it was three hours long. The constant talking, gossiping, and correct direction seeking made the trip seem to fly by. With our favorite music playing in the background the time just seemed to disappear.
If I could chose to go anywhere on a road trip I would want to go across country to California. I would want to do this because I feel like it is very important to learn about different places and people especially if you have the opportunity to do so within your own country. I feel like I would get a greater understanding about what America truly has to offer while having once in a lifetime experiences. I would love to do that with my friends and would of course have to start out the road trip with phantom planets' California.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Motorcycle Diaries: Book Preview

The Front Cover
• The Motorcycle Diaries
• Notes on a Latin American Journey, New York Times Best Seller
• A journey across Latin America
• Why is the person on this journey? How will it change them?

The Back Cover
• Che Guevara's lively and highly entertaining travel diary
• New York Times best seller
• 23 years old, journey across continent, includes photos

Inside the Book
• 2003
• No dedication
• Chapter titles, they relate to what occurs in chapter
• Seems to be formal with a large variety of vocabulary

This book is about a journey across South America by Che Guevara. I think that it will just tell the many stories of what occurs throughout his journey. I think I need to understand more about whom this person is before and after his journey to see if he has changed in anyway. I hope to find out about this person, why they are on the journey, and how they change after experiencing it.

judging a book

I judge books before reading in many ways. First I defiantly take the length of the book…now don’t get me wrong I don’t mind reading long books but I definitely hesitate before fully picking them up. Then I look to the cover and back to see any information that it has provided there. Any large wording or colorful objects catch my attention. There is no way around judging a book but I try my hardest not to. One book that caught my attention early on was a book by Sophie Kinsella called Remember Me? It caught my eye due to its cheery and colorful cover of a flower. It also made me wonder what it could be about due to the question mark that followed the title. It was a very engaging cover.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hey... Welcome to my blog. Feel free to comment on anything.